Spotlight on Students!

Completing the CNA Program was originally Mia's backup plan because she was too young to enroll in Fire Science (you must be 18 by the end of the year).  But, she ended up loving it and is considering is as a potential career.  She loves interacting with patients, especially older people and the perspectives they have.  In her words: “I love talking to them. They are very wise.”

This year she was old enough to enroll in Fire Science.  She is very fond of the forest and wildlands and will be attending NAU after she graduates to study Forestry.  She encourages other students to consider an MICTED program because, “It’s a good starting point for any career or opportunity. The teachers are really involved and help you learn a lot.”  As for the students she is learning and training with, she says “They all chose to be here. We are like minded individuals, pushing each other to do the best we can.”

Mia is a go-getter and has some BIG goals!  Just from talking to her, you know she will be successful in ALL the things she chooses to do. Whichever path you take, Mia, we know you’ll rock it!